100% premium quality products

Australian Citrus Season 2020

Welcome to our Newsletter!

It is exciting to see the Citrus season starting up soon and we are here to update you on some information and we will continue to provide you all updates.

Please see attached some photos of the Washington navels. The crop is looking very good thus far and we expect sizing to be slightly larger than last season. At this stage, indications are that sizing will peak at about an 80 on Washington’s and Late Lanes and slightly smaller for the earlier season varieties like Navalena and M7.

Fruit is moving closer to internal maturity with some blocks already passing the minimum requirements; however juice content and acid are still a little way off. Colour is moving although not all fruit is at colour break yet.

We expect to start with Navels around mid-May. I’ll have a better indication around commencement date, sizing and pricing in the next couple of weeks and will share this with you as soon as it’s available.

Murcotts won’t be ready until about July, so I’ll keep you updated with photos and crop information a little closer to this time.

Lemons will be harvested as well in the month of June and will endeavour to keep you all updated

If you require any further information or would like to discuss your Citrus needs please do not hesitate to contact our sales department and we look forward to serving your needs.